Watch our latest YouTube live podcast where Angie, Tayla and Justy sit down to chat about the 10 tips that have been important on their learning to surf journey.
In 2024 all sisters transitioned from the Beginner surf level to intermediate surf level. Together we collectively share our tips for Longboarding and shortboarding
These insights will help you on your journey.
Sisterhood of Surf also shares products that we have found that have been a game changer.
Anyone who watches our video between 19th - 25th January 2025
and does the following steps will go in the draw to win a NEW SOS gym Towel, SOS Tshirt and Avocado Lip Zinc.
How to Enter
Watch the video
Comment on the video of what was most relatable to you
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Share on Social Media and Tag us @sisterhood_of_surf
Listed below are products that we love.
Brands that we love and a few sneaky discounts
Kavala Collective - discounts given for retreats
Moana Bikini 10% = SISTERHOOD10
CeaCea Swimwear 15% = SHOS
Sunchaser clothing 15% = sisterhood
SolSista Zinc 15% = SOS2025
Avocado lip zinc - find on SOS store
SOS Travel towels find on SOS store
Tall Poppy Swimwear
Sunward Bound Hats
Sunee Co Hats
Surfboard claw - found at Classic Malibu Surfboards
SurFolk Cameras
We would love to hear what are yours. Leave in comments below.